Veterans’ Association of the  Chicago & Northwestern Railway
Organized December 9, 1924
WHAT CAN NARVRE BRING TO THE TABLE FOR NEW MEMBERS? NARVRE is the only Federally Chartered Railroad Retiree Organization in the industry having for its sole purpose the promotion, protection and preservation of our railroad retirement pension system. 171 Units in the United States and one National 801 Unit for members who do not reside in a locality having a NARVRE Unit. A great number of dedicated members who have demonstrated on many occasions their ability to be a dominant force in the Congress of the United States assisting in the passage and/or defeat of legislation affecting railroad retirees. Two (2) Toll-Free Telephone Numbers to assist our membership in calling their respective Representative in the House of Representatives and their two U.S. Senators in the U. S. Senate. 877-668-3864 or 877-668- 3866 The principle officers, Thomas J. Dwyer, National President; Anthony “Tony” Padilla, National Vice President and Phillip Stewert National Secretary-Treasurer, govern NARVRE. NARVRE has a full time National Legislative Director in Gary M. Faley, of Flint, MI. These gentlemen stand ready to answer your questions and concerns. Click their names to e-mail: National President - George L. Boatwright National Vice-President - Ron Hylla National Secretary/Treasurer - Phillip Stewert National Legislative Director - Gary M. Faley NARVRE National Officers and National Legislative Director are in constant communication via desktop and Laptop Computers and are completely informed via the Internet. The three National Officers together with the Eight Area Directors make up the Governing Board of NARVRE. Such Governing Board handles all matters of the organization between National Conventions, which are held each two years. The National Office of NARVRE is located in Moberly, MO and is staffed by the National Secretary Treasurer and one office staff person. NARVRE has a complete Website on the Internet and may be reached by addressing Every facet of the organization is public information and is prepared in a very readable format. The site outlines contact information for Asbestos Protection, Long Distance Savings, MetLife $2000 Death Benefit for the surviving Spouse, Prescription Drug Savings and Long Term Care at a great savings for NARVRE Members. NARVRE publishes the NARVRE Newsletter ten (10) times per year. It is scheduled to reach your email the first of each month.
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